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How to Teach Your Dog to Stop Pulling on the Leash?

January 16 2021

The key to training a dog to walk on a leash is to be consistent and stick to the plan. Reward good behavior with a treat and encourage him to repeat that behavior. After a while, just to reward your dog for walking on a loose leash. This way, he will associate the leash with something positive, such as walking.

It is easier said than done, but if you follow these simple steps, you will find success in teaching your dog to behave the right way. First of all, have patience with your puppy. Give him lots of attention while he is walking. He needs your approval and love in order to learn proper behavior. Once he has consistently followed your commands, reward him with a treat and lots of affection and you will have succeeded in your first task.

Dogs have a great need for stimulation. That is why they pull and walk on the leash. Give them an exercise that is fun and interesting to them and then distract them by throwing a toy or snapping your fingers, or even tapping a short stick on the floor. Don't give in to their excitement and stop playing with them. They will soon realize that if they keep pulling while you are distracted, they will only get rewarded with a treat.

When you are teaching your dog the right way to walk on a leash, it is important to remember that you are working with a highly intelligent animal. Don't use scolding or punishment to try to correct something that doesn't need correcting. It is better to use positive reinforcement in addition to praise when you want your puppy to learn the right way. You can find out how to do this in a dog training video series called "Leash Learning for Puppies". The first in the series is entitled "Teaching Your Puppy to Walk on a Leash".

In this video series, you will learn the right way to walk your dog using positive reinforcement along with praise when he follows your commands. There are also several bonus offers available. These include a free dog training book, dog food discounts, free coupons and more. There really is nothing like getting great results at a reasonable price, is there?

If you only have a few minutes a day to walk your dog, this could be a great way for you to get some valuable exercise while still having the pleasure of your companionship. While walking your pet, make sure that you never pull on your leash. Every time he pulls ahead, immediately put on the leash and walk sideways to where he's walking and not behind you. This will prevent him from feeling excited and stimulated each time he sees you walking and feels the urge to pull on the leash.

A few other tricks that will stop your dog pulling on the leash include using a "come" command when he pulls ahead and waiting patiently while he goes past you. It can take up to ten seconds to instruct him to walk properly with the leash. As long as he understands what you want, you will have the best chance of getting him to stop pulling. Also, try to keep a firm hand on the leash while teaching him new tricks. You may have to be patient, but eventually your pet will learn to walk properly with your help.

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